Fwd: COIB Settlements Announced

Please read these fines below. It appears that violating city conflict of interest rules results in a minor slap on the wrist. Many cases that result in a fine that is never paid and also reductions due to not able to pay. When do we do that for homeowners? See https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/coib/downloads/pdf2/enf-docs/Enforcement_Fines.pdf See https://www.seethroughny.net/payrolls/138102820 one of the city employees who was a city employee plus did business with the city as a private business (a conflict of interest) is paid over $200K as a firefighter. Who is tracking these payments??? This is a salary of $85K and actualyearly pay of $202K Where is the explanation? If we need that much overtime, that seems like a mismanagement issue. Harper, Kievon Y Fire Department $202,815 Fire Department Title Firefighter Rate of Pay $85,292 Pay Year 2017 Pay Basis Annual Branch/Major Category New York City ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Katherine Miller < KMiller@coib.nyc...