Tax Elephant sighted in New York City

Announced in May 2018, the New York City Advisory Commission on Property Tax Reform works to evaluate all aspects of the current property tax system in New York City and recommend reforms to make it fairer, simpler, and more transparent, while ensuring that there is no reduction in revenue used to fund City services . The key phrase that is often left out is that the request from the mayor seems to say that the total tax will continue to not only remain steady but instead will continue to grow at nearly 8% at the time of this article. Please consider that growth in spending that far exceeds inflation. We have a voice in our government and the people need to form a "community budget council" to have veto power over the growth in our government. Plus run for assemblyperson and state senator and vote out the current person if they are not meeting the needs of the constituents. Remember, if you were an assembly person, we are sure that current assembly pers...